New property owners beware!
Often times when a property is being inspected by a home inspector the sewer line is the last item on buyers minds
The House Looks Great Right ?
because it is not easily viewed and inspected, a toilet is flushed a few times and the inspector signs his report that the sewer line is OK!
Hold On a Minute What ???
The sewer line can have breaks in it and it will still flush,
If you have Cast Iron, Check it out first !
Our you will make us Rich !
But I have PVC pipes, I am Ok!
Wrong, they can be installed with No Pitch and not Drain at All !!!
So the Lesson today, Better Safe than make us Rich !
Run a sewer camera before investing in remodels, and new floors, because after you move in
is when you will find the truth, when it is Too Late!
p.s. This is not a sales pitch, we really do care! we have witnessed many new property owners suffer a lot More Money than a camera inspection fee.